Monday, April 16, 2012

Yashica MF-2 Super

Adopted a Yashica MF-2 Super a few weeks ago. Still have a lot more to learn before i can point & shoot in Istanbul (in less than 3 days).
I wanna get pictures like Ray's, i don't care!
Ray's blogspottumblr

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Zoo Negara

Rare species. Last of its kind.
"Please do not feed us, we're scared of the hospital"
I used to own this fish. A friend though i was weird because in his opinion girls should only have goldfishes as pets. Sexist!
I asked my sister to pretend as if we're by the beach. Looks real, right? Right.
I look like an ostrich.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tanjung Jara, Dungun

A few weeks ago we went to Abah's place in Terengganu (currently a homestay, by his friend)

Off for a little cruising.
What the monsoon did. This year's was the worst since a long time.
Kite by the beach!
Nasi lauk
She's got ailurphobia.
BBQ by the hut.